
"Mindsight" was shot on the Red Digital Cinema Camera. Red is a revolutionary new digital camera introduced in late 2007. Red is far more than a digital video camera. It is a true digital cinema camera accepting the same lenses and delivering the same resolution, selective focus, and dynamic range as 35mm film. Each Red frame is a 12 megapixel image comparable to that delivered by a digital SLR camera and Red's "4K" format is actually four times the resolution of the standard Digital Intermediate used by the major studios shooting on conventional film. Red records directly to a pair of hard drives so there is no film to process and no cost of scanning the developed negative. On Mindsight, redundant copies of these files were made every night. A typical day's shooting produced 200 gigabytes of footage.

The Red One is so revolutionary that many people, including industry veterans, simply did not belive in it when it was announced back in 2006. Mindsight's cinematographer, was one of a few hundred people who not only understood the potential of the camera but put up a $1,000 deposit to reserve one. He would not receive his camera, one of the first 300 units shipped, until nearly three years later. His camera was the first in Houston and Mindsight is Houston's first feature to be shot with this technology. Today, film-makers world-wide are trying to catch up and are ordering Red cameras faster than they can be produced. The wait to get one is still in excess of six months.

With only a couple of thousand units shipped, Reds are still rare in the indie world but the impact of this technological sea-change is already sweeping through the industry. Steven Soderbergh, an early Red user, is now shooting exclusively on Red. He has famously said, "I feel like I should call up Film and say, 'I've met someone...'." Everyone who visited the Mindsight set was stunned by the images gotten with this camera.