

What are friends for? Friends will be there for you no matter what. Through thick and thin, your true friends will fill your head and heart with opinions and advice, helping you to choose or dismiss them. What advice we choose to apply in our life can make all the difference. Each friend is unique and respected in their own way.

Tom is a middle class man with a beautiful wife and child whom he loves more than anything else in the world. One sunny weekend, Tom and three of his buddies and their families get together for the weekend. Brian the Christian, Eric the radical conservative, and Sam the craziest person you will ever meet. They all
have love for one another, but rarely see eye to eye.

Tom, his wife, and their son return home and marvel the love they have for their boy. Tom tells Gina about a conversation he had with the men at the get-together. The question arose on what the men would do to someone if they hurt our child? Both agreed the proper answer would be to never have to find out.

The next morning Tom and the family get up and do yard work. Tom begins playing catch with his son when the ball goes over his head. His son chases the ball into the street, and is hit by a drunken college partier, on his way to the corner store.

After their son’s death, Tom and Gina go on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Gina blames Tom and sees their son in his eyes, causing her to leave. Weighed down with sorrow, Tom begins to consult his friends. Brian suggests faith in the Lord, to which Tom no longer believes in. Eric and Sam suggest radical ideas that Tom finds interesting.

Tom begins to experience Mindsight, and sees all the scenarios play out right before his eyes. Confused on what is real and what is not, Tom slips into a crack of life, and awakes to find the man who killed his son is being released from prison. He makes one last decision.